
Stay tuned for POSTS On - JAVA Based Web-App Dev & Security Overviews..

"JAVA" a Cup of tea or Island of features ?

“JAVA” has been a real master piece & most sought after computer language since last 2 decades because of its various supported features in order to address performance, scalability and security issues of the enterprise web based applications. Over the past few years it has faced aggressive competitions from it’s peers like python, ruby, scala etc but many enterprises are still in favor of using there previously developed applications with  “JAVA” as well as proposing new development around “JAVA technology stack due it’s reliability, strong community, well backed and supported tech giant like “ORACLE” and rich features like performance, scalability and security components.  

Welcome To Grayhat Knowledge Base

IF the term “SCIENCE” does mean a specialized and practically proven knowledge or fact which is getting explored by human civilization over the time then the transformation of “SCIENCE” to a practically usable substance in a safe manner is perhafs termed as “TECHNOLOGY”. Where as if “TECHNOLOGY” gets used towards welfare of human civilization then probably it is termed as “ENGINEERING”. In this platform we give more focus on the usages of “JAVA TECHNOLOGY” in order to build web application to achieve “BACKEND ENGINEERING”. 

Explore Common Security Vulnerabilities..

Some of the below web application vulnerabilities are researched and standardized by “OWASP” foundation. 

Web app security and role of JAVA..

Explore the security challenges in web apps and appropriate measures to mitigate those..